Mrs Bradbury has been an invaluable healer, adviser and supporter to me in my three and half year battle with Parkinson’s Disease.She provides a unique, holistic service including treatments/services such as traditional physio therapy, dietary advice ( including advice on food supplements and homoeopathic medicines),and advice on physical exercises to address specific ailments.Very importantly, Mrs Bradbury provides counselling and advice on the mental aspects of dealing with illnesses. I highly recommend Mrs Bradbury to anyone with medical problems.

Very importantly, Mrs Bradbury provides counseling and advice on the mental aspects of dealing with illnesses. I highly recommend Mrs Bradbury to anyone with medical problems.

Mr John

I have premature degeneration of the discs in my upper spine, rheumatism in my knees and osteo- and inflammatory arthritis in both hands. I also suffer from fibromyalgia which causes pain and stiffness in most joints and muscles. As yet, there are no proven cures for these conditions. Many people find the combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol to be beneficial but they do have side effects.

Several years ago, I was put in touch with the SK Complementary Medical Practice by a friend who suffered from back problems. She found that her treatments with Sakina Bradbury were so helpful that she was eventually able to return to horse riding.

I have found that regular sessions with Mrs. Bradbury have helped greatly to ease my rheumatism and arthritis symptoms. She also pointed out that improving my general level of fitness would go towards easing the discomfort of the fibromyalgia. We agreed that, given my knee and back problems, activities such as cycling and jogging were out of the question. She therefore suggested swimming on a regular basis as it does not put a strain on the body which is supported by the buoyancy of the water. I have indeed found it helpful in improving my muscle tone and reducing the discomfort of the fibromyalgia.

People with rheumatism, arthritis or fibromyalgia may well find, as I have, that regular sessions with the SK Complementary Medical Practice will ease their symptoms and enable them to lead a much more normal life.”

PB Caterham

Sakina has transformed my life-It’s as simple as that- and that of my daughter. She has many therapy skill and uses themas appropriate in a way I’ve never known before.

I have suffered from osteo arthritis in both knees for several years, as a result of sporting wear and tear. By using homeopathy and traditional physio, my knees have stopped hurting and I’m much mobile

She has user NLP to help me overcome various anxieties and low self-esteem , I can’t believe how much confidence she gave me.

My daughter has also benefited From NLP to the extent she has a lovely, normal boy friend at last and is enjoying a happy, fulfilling life.she has also helped my daughter’s ongoing back problems in a way that no doctor has managed!

Sakina’s happy, Positive outlook on life is a Tonic In itself


I attended Sakina Bradbury in desperation as I had been suffering from lower back painfor some considerable time. Having attended Physios,chiropractors and even had an operation on my back, i was still in continous pain.

I received treatment from Sakina on a weekly basis gradaully realised that the pain as receding and eventually disappeared.I did not realise how the constant pain effecting my life and now am able to stand for long periods, go on long walks and generally carry on with all the things I had been doing prior to having all my back problems.

I still need to have treatment less often now but fell it is well worth it in order that I am out of pain.

Sk has also treated me for migraines which i was suffering and although I am not completely free of them,they are no longer so regular or as painful as they were.I am now no longer in bed in the dark for three days ever month

I really do appreciate all that Sakina has done for me and have no hesitation in recommending anyone to SK for treatment

One of our regular patient

Dear Ms Bradbury

Before I went to SK Practice I didn’t have any confidence and felt I couldn’t do anything on my own.After going there for a month I started to feel much more independent and even got a job. Now I feel much happier that I can do things without someone having too be there to help, I am even starting an NVQ in childcare soon I am not scared or worried about it like, I would of been before.I have been suffering from Parkinson’s Disease and I didn’t want to take drugs. I came to SK 6 months ago and I am so much improved that it has made me feel much better in myself. My hand is shaking far less than it used to. I feel on top of the world.
(Retired Head Master)I came to SK for my Panic attacks. After treatment I felt confident, less anxious, happy and now feel physically well.
(Computer Performance analyst)I had cancer, after the surgery I always had lots of aches and pains and I was feeling sad and helpless. I have been coming to SK for a year and feel 95% better and enjoying my life and have learned to look after myself.
(Retired Vice President of a company)I had ME, I used to get tired, and sleep a lot, I came to SK. Now I am doing so well, I don’t sleep as much as I used to do and I have regained my strength.
(Student)I suffered from heavy periods for many years but after treatment by Sakina I felt so much better. For the first time in years I had normal periods.
(Teacher)I had eczema, asthma, IBS, bladder discomfort, and stress – I tried everything, nothing cured my problems. I came to SK and I am 90% better now.
